Flora and Fauna
- 2881
- Goldenseal: Hydrastis canadensis
- Botanical description, habitat, endangered species status, cultivation, history of its medicinal use and cultivation, and information about medicinal properties.
- 2882
- Helleborus niger: Black Hellebore
- Information from Botanical.com, a modern herbal, on this poisonous plant, its description, constituents, medicinal action and uses.
- 2884
- Delphinium consolida
- Photograph, description, distribution, ecology and economic significance, sometimes classified as Consolida regalis.
- 2885
- Delphinium staphisagria: Stavesacre
- Information from Botanical.com, a modern herbal, on this poisonous plant, its description, constituents, medicinal action and uses.
- 2887
- Clematis pitcheri (Pitcher's Leather Flower)
- Physical description, range, habitat, and faunal associations. Includes photos.
- 2888
- Clematis recta: Clematis
- Information from Botanical.com, a modern herbal, on this poisonous plant, its description, medicinal action and uses.
- 2890
- Caltha palustris
- Two photographs of the Marsh Marigold and information on features helping in its identification.
- 2891
- Aquilegia canadensis: Wild Red Columbine
- Summary information with photos showing plant and flower closeup.
- 2894
- Anemone nemorosa
- Illustrations and a description of this plant, with details of its history, medicinal action and uses.
- 2895
- Anemone nemorosa
- Several photographs of the Wood Anemone, and information on features helping in its identification.