Flora and Fauna
- 2546
- Salvadoraceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of shrubs with technical drawings of Salvadora persica.
- 2547
- Salicaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of trees and shrubs with technical drawings of Salix and Populus.
- 2548
- A Close-up View of the Pussy Willow
- Photographic study by Brian Johnston of Salix caprea, with many fine images both macroscopic and microscopic.
- 2550
- Salix amygdaloides
- Includes distribution and occurrence, botanical and ecological characteristics, value and use, and fire ecology.
- 2551
- Salix arbusculoides
- Includes distribution and occurrence, botanical and ecological characteristics, value and use, and fire ecology.
- 2553
- Salix babylonica: Weeping Willow
- Tree identification fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 2554
- Salix bebbiana
- Includes distribution and occurrence, botanical and ecological characteristics, value and use, and fire ecology.
- 2556
- Salix cinerea
- Several photographs of the Grey Willow, also known as Grey Sallow, with some identifying features.
- 2557
- Salix discolor: Pussy Willow
- Tree identification fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.