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Horse Evolution

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Description: Article by Kathleen Hunt.
[Article last updated: January 4, 1995] his is a companion file for the . In this post I will try to describe the modern view of evolution within the horse family. I apologize in advance for the length; I didn't want to cut it down any more than this, because horse evolution has been oversimplified too many times already. I wanted people to see some of the detail and complexity of the fossil record of a fairly well known vertebrate group. (In fact, even at this length, this post is still only a summary!) People who are in a hurry may just want to read the intro and summary and look at the tree.
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Page title:Horse Evolution
Keywords:horses, horse evolution, fossil horses, eohippus, Hyracotherium, Equus, fossils, evolution, Orohippus, Epihippus, Mesohippus, Miohippus, Parahippus, Merychippus, Pliohippus, Dinohippus
Description:The fossil record provides us with a large number of intermediate horse remains. The evolutionary history of the horse has been reinterpreted in recent years, but its record remains one of the most complete examples of species evolution that biologists have