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Australian Journal of Botany

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Description: An international journal for plant science encompassing all plant groups and covering many areas of environmental interest.
CSIRO PUBLISHING - Australian Journal of Botany   Southern Hemisphere Botanical Ecosystems feeds for the latest journal papers. in ecological and environmental plant physiology is an international journal for the publication of original research and reviews in plant science with relevance to Southern Hemisphere ecosystems including ecology and ecophysiology, conservation biology and biodiversity, forest biology and management, cell and molecular biology, palaeobotany, reproductive biology and genetics, mycology and pathology and structure and development.
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Page title:CSIRO PUBLISHING - Australian Journal of Botany
Keywords:algae , fungi , lichen , plant development , plant molecular biology , plant ecology , plant ecophysiology , conservation biology and biodiversity , forest biology , forest management , cell and molecular biology , palaeobotany , reproductrive biology and genetics , mycology , plant pathology , plant structure , plant development, Southern Hemisphere , Australian botany , Southern Hemisphere botany , Gondwanan , CSIRO , CSIRO PUBLISHING , publications , science , plant science , educational , scientific , journal , journals , Australia , Australian , international
Description:The Australian Journal of Botany is an international journal publishing original research encompassing all plant groups including fossil plants. Plant science areas covered by the scope are as follows: ecology and ecophysiology, conservation biology and biodiversity, forest biology and management, cell and molecular biology, palaeobotany, reproductrive biology and genetics, mycology and pathology, structure and development.