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- Workshop on Sudden Oak Death
- Online papers dealing with the current status of the disease and ongoing research. Contains forum and contributor profiles.
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- Instructional Technology in Plant Pathology
- Archive of the first online symposium with papers and forum discussions on instructional technology in resource-poor countries, copyright issues, development and support for online courses, and academic recognition. Includes a feedback forum. (June 30, 2001)
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- Education Center of the American Phytopathological Society
- Information for students and teachers of plant pathology. Includes laboratory exercises and lessons, advanced and introductory topics, illustrated glossary, resource catalogs, sample exam questions and teaching articles.
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- Plants, Pathogens and People
- Resources, activities and dialogue relating to the biology, history, economic importance, and other aspects of plant diseases. Developed by University of Illinois, U.S.
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- Alabama Cooperative Extension System - Publications
- Searchable information on diseases of cotton, fruits, ornamentals, peanut, turf, vegetables, and wheat.
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- Texas Plant Disease Handbook
- Disease information and images on hosts including vegetables, landscape plants, and industry and specialty crops. Department Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Texas A&M University.
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- University of Florida
- Description and control practices of crop, citrus, fruit, ornamental, turf and vegetable diseases commonly occurring in the local region.
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- Offers antibodies and ELISA kits for detecting virus pathogens in potatoes, grapevines, fruit trees, small fruits, ornamentals, vegetables, and field crops.
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- Cornell University's Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
- Provides diagnosis services to extension, homeowners, and commercial growers.
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- Hydros Environmental Diagnostics
- Producers of agricultural reagents and diagnostics kits for on site plant disease detection.
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- LOEWE Phytodiagnostica
- Offers high-quality reagents for the detection of plant diseases, and diagnostic testing services.
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- Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab
- The laboratory provides plant disease diagnostic service to Texas AgriLife Extension personnel, homeowners, farmers and growers.
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- Forest Pathology and Mycology Laboratory
- Research projects on Phytophthora ramorum, Fusarium circinatum and Leptographium wagneri. Contains personnel, current research, diagnostic report, symptoms guide, papers, and related links. University of California, Berkeley, U.S.
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- Fry Lab
- Research on the biology of oomycetous plant pathogens, mainly Phytophthora infestans. Includes members, project details, marker database, protocols, publications, life cycle with photographs, and relevant links. Cornell University, U.S.
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- Judelson Laboratory
- Study the biology of oomycete plant pathogens such as Phytophthora infestans. Contains research interests, publications list, and lab members. University of California, Riverside, U.S.
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- Plant Nematology at Leeds
- Plant nematology laboratory working to develop nematode resistant crops including potato, rice, banana and pineapple. Includes research information, biosafety, and list of publications. University of Leeds, UK.
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- Plant Pathology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Research on biocontrol, perennial and annual crops, and population genetics. Contains list of people, publications, and related links. Zurich, Switzerland.
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- Crop Knowledge Master
- Information on agricultural pests, their distribution, damage, biology, and management. Search by crop, pest or scientific name.
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- Australian Society of Plant Scientists
- The ASPS promotes Plant Science in Australia, and provides professional contact within our community of teachers and researchers in plant physiology.
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- International Society of Photosynthesis Research
- The purposes of ISPR are to encourage the growth and to promote the development of photosynthesis as a pure and applied science, to facilitate publication of research in photosynthesis, to sponsor the organization of a triennial International Congress on Photosynthesis, and to promote international cooperation in photosynthesis research and education.