Products and Services
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- Jim's Mobile, Inc.
- NGT line of portable, equatorially mounted astronomical telescopes. Also makes various accessories including Motofocus focus motors, Motodec declination motors, R.A. drive motors, computer control systems and NGF focusers.
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- Kenyon Laboratories LLC
- Binocular, medium format camera and cinema camera stabilizers, plus gimbals, gimbal mounts, and inverters.
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- Kite Optics
- Belgian manufacturer of binoculars, telescopes and accessories. Professional optics for birding and outdoor activities.
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- Konus Italia Group
- Italian manufacturer of telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, microscopes, compasses and magnifying glasses.
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- Kunming United Optics Corporation
- Manufactures binoculars and telescopes, and offers OEM design and production services. Headquarters located in Kunming, China.
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- Lightholder Optics
- Newtonian mirrors made and certified in writing to the most exacting, demanding Millies LaCroix tolerance (1/8 wave at the wavefront), twice as precise as the industry 1/4 wave standard.
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- London Opera Glass Company
- Manufactures, installs and services opera glasses within theatres. The service is free to theatres, and allows patrons to rent opera glasses during a performance.
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- Losmandy Astronomical Products
- Produces the Losmandy product line of precision equatorial mounts, dovetail systems, the Gemini goto control system and a variety of telescope accessories.
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- Lumicon International
- Products include Easy Guiders, hypered film and hyper kits, diagonals, the Sky Vector NGC, richfield viewers and many other accessories for amateur astronomers.
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- Mathis Instruments
- Full product line of German equatorial and telescope mounts with full computer control. Mounts are available for telescopes up to 24" aperture and feature tapered conic sections for increased rigidity.
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- Meade Instruments Corporation
- Several product lines of telescopes and accessories, eyepieces, CCD imaging equipment, astronomical software, spotting scopes, binoculars, and microscopes.
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- Moonlite Telescope Accessories
- Extremely robust Crayford style focusers, focuser accessories, truss tubes and truss tube connector systems, plus telescope accent kits to personalize your telescope.
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- NOVA Optical Systems
- Optical company which manufactures telescope optics in a wide range of apertures for amateur and professional class telescopes. Site features the free Ultra-Trace telescope design program.
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- NPZ Optics State Corp.
- Russian manufacturer of high quality optical equipment for law enforcement and civilian use, such as day/night vision sights, powerful binoculars and astronomical telescopes.
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- Nite I's
- Visual astronomy accessories including adapters, eyepieces, extensions, eyepiece parfocalizers, plus telescopes, hardware, and software.
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- Oberwerk Corporation
- Produces a variety of binocular designs for both terrestrial and astronomical applications.
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- Obsession Telescopes
- Manufacturer of Dobsonian telescopes ranging from 12-1/2" to 30" in aperture. Optional accessories include the ServoCAT servo drive system which may be combined with the Argo Navis digital setting circles.