Products and Services
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- Starlight NV Ltd
- Manufacturers of a variety of night vision products including rifle scopes, Longbow day/night scopes, monoculars, binoculars, goggles and thermal imagers.
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- Steiner-Optik, GmbH
- Binocular specialists. Includes details of the product range and an online product advisor.
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- StellarCAT
- Telescope control systems and Argo Navis digital setting circles for Dobsonians and equatorially mounted telescopes.
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- Stellarvue
- Specializes in hand crafted refractors and apochromatic refractors. Offers telescope mount and tripods, spotting scopes plus a variety of accessories.
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- Tau Ceti Company
- Accessories for astrophotography including the Universal Camera Mounting Adapter for attaching cameras/telephoto lenses to telescopes, the XY Finder for guide scopes and CCD guide cameras, plus the Flip-Mirror Focuser for CCD cameras located at the telescope's prime focus.
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- Taychert Telescopes
- Produces Dobsonian telescopes in a variety of sizes. The company's FarStar telescope claims to be the lightest weight 18" Dobsonian telescope available from any manufacturer. This company also offers telescopes which are custom built per customer specifications.
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- TeleVue Optics
- Premium refractor telescopes, eyepieces, and accessories. Products include Nagler eyepieces, Panoptic eyepieces, Radian eyepieces, Plossl eyepieces, Barlows, Powermate, Ranger, 101, fluorite and apochromatic refractors.
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- Teleport Telescopes
- Offers portable Dobsonian telescopes which are designed to collapse down into an extremely compact cubes for transportation.
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- Telescope Engineering Company
- Apochromatic refractor and Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes plus precision optics including optical flats, Cassegrain, Catadioptric, Newtonian, Ritchey-Chretein, Mersen and other optical designs.
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- Tinsley Laboratories
- Specializes in the manufacture of aspherical optics and light-weighted Beryllium mirrors using computer-controlled optical surfacing technologies. The company is famous for producing the optics within the COSTAR optical package which corrected the Hubble Space Telescope's optical flaws.
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- Trico Machine Products
- Makes the Sky Window binocular viewing system, and is a full machine shop specializing in design, prototype and production of quality machined parts.
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- True Technology Limited
- English manufacturer of filter wheels, flip mirrors, filter units and dichroic filters.
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- Ufind Optics Company, Ltd.
- Chinese manufacturer and exporter of binoculars, telescopes, monoculars, golfscopes and spotting scopes.
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- Universal Astronomics
- Optical instrument mounts including the T-Mount, UniMount and UniStar for binoculars and telescopes. Retailer for a variety of other product lines.
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- University Optics
- Suppliers of astronomical accessories, binocular viewers, eyepieces, binoculars, telescope building supplies, software, books, and components to build a "Cookbook" CCD camera.
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- Van Slyke Engineering
- Versa-Port Sliders, Monster focusers, bifilar micrometers and turret eyepiece holders.
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- Vixen Co. Ltd.
- Manufacturer in Japan of a varied selection of telescopes, mounts, binoculars and spotting scopes.