International Earth Rotation Service (IERS)
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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Works to maintain the International Celestial Reference System and Frame, and the International Terrestrial Reference System and Frame, and to provide timely and accurate data on the Earth's orientation for current use and long-term studies. Site describes the group's structure and function.
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Page title: | International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service |
Keywords: | rotation, Drehung, Erdrotation, Earth's, Earth, Terre, Erde, EOP, Earth orientation Parameters, time, temps, Zeit, universel, universal, UT1, UTC, TAI, nutation, precession, précession, polar, polaire, motion, mouvement, pole, pôle, leap second, VLBI, Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Radio-interferometrie à très longue base, SLR, Satellite Laser Ranging, Tir laser sur satellite, GPS, Global Positionning System, DORIS, Earthquake, tremblement de Terre, angular momentum, rotation de la Terre, séries temporelles, moment cinétique, Drehmoment, mouvement du pôle, axe, UT1, UTC, seconde intercalaire, atmosphere, atmosphère, oceans, océans, hydrology, hydrologie, celestial, reference, frame, system, systèmes, référence, céleste, repère, quasars, radiosources, RSC, coordonnées, coordinates |
Description: | Earth rotation, Earth's rotation, Erdrotation, EOP, Earth rotation parameter, Earth orientation, UT1, UTC, TAI, nutation, precession, polar motion, leap second, VLBI, SLR, GPS, DORIS, Earthquake, angular momentum, rotation de la Terre, séries temporelles, mouvement du pôle, axe de rotation, précession, nutation, temps universel, UT1, UTC, seconde intercalaire, tremblement de Terre, atmosphère, océans, moment cinétique, Erderotation, Drehmoment. |
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WHOIS | status: ACTIVE |
Date | created: 01/01/1995 last-update: 21/11/2011 changed: 09/10/2008 [email protected] changed: 26/09/2011 [email protected] changed: 25/02/2011 [email protected] changed: 21/11/2011 [email protected] changed: 21/11/2011 [email protected] |