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Description: Discussion of two types for beginners, the reflector and the refractor.
telescopes updated 24th September 2012 telescope types refractors achromatic apochromatic reflectors - CLEARANCE &amp SALE ITEMS These are the most popular telescope for beginners. They use a lens to gather and focus the light of the object it's pointing at. Using a lens which is made from two elements or more, the refractor reduces false colours.
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Page title:telescopes updated 24th September 2012 telescope types refractors achromatic apochromatic reflectors
Keywords:telescopes, telescope, refractors, achromatic, apochromatic, Newtonian, reflectors, astronomy, types, Schmidt, Cassegrain, Maksutov, amateur, information, Dobsonian, making, Science, instrument, Adelaide, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, free, scopes, binoculars, schools, tips, GST, stars, observatory, hubble, galaxy, cosmology, mounts, astrophotography, kits, astro, day, night, telescope making, dobsonian making, telescopes, astronomy, amateur, information, free, store, telescope, sales, online, cosmology, classifieds, services, optics, site map, Dobsonian, Newtonian, reflector, refractor, binoculars, microscopes, balancing, dimensions, eyepieces, magnitudes, cleaning, piggy back, prime focus, eyepiece projection, faint, improving, planets, astronomical, poster, videoing, home builder, schools, night vision, secondhand, books, gravity, big bang, redshift, cosmic background radiation, spotting, scopes, instruments, Adelaide, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, astrophotography, Schmidt, Maksutov, Cassegrain, achromatic, apochromatic, accessories, school, tips, mounts, setup, motor drives, science, telescope balance, optical tube, motor drive, cameras, video cameras, recorders, slow motion controls, focal length, focal ratio, long, short, ratio, aperture, magnifications, sizes, light, Barlow, basics, light gathering power, build your own telescope, magnitude, mirror, cheapest, field of view, making, instrument, GST, stars, hubble, galaxy, scope, kits, astro, day, night, parts, spares, lens, equipment, retail, barlow, photo, camera, mount, finderscope, spare parts, catadioptrics, Celestron, Vixen, Tasco, Optex, Mizar, JMI, Takahashi, Obsession, Siebert Optical, Jindu, Edmund Scientific, Coulter, SBIG, Konus, Nova Optical, Star, Splitter, Leica, Zijin Mountain, Moon, star, length, adaptors, adapters, objects, using, hints, how, to, backyard, deep sky, improvements, beginner, photographs, eyepiece projection, tracking, setting circles, Sun projecting, building, homemade, byot, observatory, skies, population, pollution, weather, conditons, viewing, backyard, deep sky, improvements, dark, adaption, tracking, optical tube, equatorial mount, build, observing
Description:telescopes information telescope types refractors reflectors achromatic apochromatic, Dobsonian, making, services, World Wide Sales.