Astronomy, Alternative
- 21
- PQR Theory: Pythagorean Quantum Relativity
- Nick Mitchell explores the idea that our universe is a physical manifestation of the natural numbers.
- 22
- Photon Gravity Hypothesis
- Proposes an alternative explanation of gravitational force, and in doing so describes an alternative view of the basic properties of the universe.
- 23
- Science, Metaphysics, and Reductionism
- Purely from logical and scientific arguments, it can be concluded that there must have been a primary principle prior to the Big Bang
- 24
- Spiritual Astronomy with its Celestial Cosmology
- Scot Aaron examines reality by combining core spiritual understandings with scientific data, especially astrophysics and particular celestial and stellar structures.
- 25
- The Cause of the Cosmological Red Shift
- Charles Weber outlines his theory that the red shift is caused by gravitational interaction with masses passed in space and consequently, there is no expansion of galaxies.
- 26
- The Collapsing Universe
- Martin Gradwell explains how observed phenomena can be explained in terms of a nonhomogeneous closed universe, with a central singularity, undergoing gravitational collapse.
- 27
- The Photon-Nonphoton Universe
- Presents the author's simple model of a universe that is infinitely extended and infinitely old. By George Savonov.
- 28
- The Well-Balanced Universe
- A new explanation of both the universe and gravity, based on the second law of thermodynamics, with no big bang, inflation, dark materials or singularities. A downloadable ebook by Edmund Wood.
- 29
- WingMakers, The Ancient Arrow Project
- Introduces a new cosmology and a future vision of our universe and our purpose therein.
- 30
- Mars Artifacts
- Artifacts on Mars, evidence of Martian archeology. The purpose of this site is to present evidence in support of the hypothesis that certain features on the surface of Mars are artificial in origin.
- 31
- Mars: Evidence of Life and Past Civilizations
- Provides photographs and information on what appears to be artifacts on the Martian surface.
- 33
- Violations: Towards The Sky
- Describes many signs of extraterrestrial visitation around the world as being related to the Dogon legends.
- 34
- Sirius Matters
- The Chandra Chronicles examines several possible explanations for Dogon knowledge of Sirius B. (November 27, 2000)
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