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European Soil Data Center

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Description: Portal providing data and information on soils at European level.
EUSOILS - European Soil Portal Home Page Welcome to the European Soil Portal This European Soil Portal is an integral part of the , which is one of the ten environmental data centres in Europe and is the focal point for soil data at European level. This European Soil Portal contributes to a thematic data infrastructure for soils in Europe. It presents data and information regarding soils at European level. It connects to activities within JRC concerning soil (JRC SOIL Action). It serves also as a vehicle to promote the activities of the European Soil Bureau Network. Spatial data collection and processing within this infrastructure is performed according to emerging ideas behind the INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) initiative.
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Page title:EUSOILS - European Soil Portal Home Page
Keywords:Soil Portal, European Soil Portal, Soil Publications, Land Resource Management, FP7, Natural Hazards, Monitoring the state of European soils, ESDAC, LUCAS, European Soil Data Center, European Soil Bureau, ESBN, European Soil Database (ESDB), Raster Archive, European Soil Database v2 Raster Library -1km x 1km,European Reference , SPADE 2(Soil Profile Analytical Database for Europe), isoil, digisoil, esoter, Soiltrec, LUCAS,Grids, Common Criteria for Risk Area Identification according to Soil Threats, Soil Erosion, PESERA, Organic Carbon Content, Soil Sampling, ECALP , GISCO , SOMIS, Eco- pedological Map Alpine Territory(ECALP), Soil Information system on Danube River Basin (DanubeSIS), SOil TERrain Database (SOTER), INtegrated Sink Enhancement Assessment (INSEA), Multiscale EUropean Soil Information System (MEUSIS) , Soil Atlas, pH, soil Contamination, Soil Sealing, European Digital Archive on Soil Maps (EuDASM), Soil Profiles , ESBN Workshop Zagreb, Geo-International Publication, SOM sampling protocol, European Soil Data Center (ESDAC),European Reference Grids for the exchange of soil data, Bio Bio Project , Open vacancies, Call for proposals
Description:Soil Portal, European Soil Database (ESDB), Raster Archive, ESDAC, European Soil Data Center, European Soil Database v2 Raster Library -1km x 1km, Legend Files, National Soil Datasets, Regional Soil Datasets, European Digital Archive on Soil Maps - EuDASM (Africa, Asia, Latin America), Soil Erosion, PESERA, Organic Carbon Content, Soil Sampling, ECALP, European Reference, SPADE 2(Soil Profile Analytical Database for Europe) Grids , GISCO , SOMIS, Eco- pedological Map Alpine Territory(ECALP), Common Criteria for Risk Area Identification according to Soil Threats, Soil Information system on Danube River Basin (DanubeSIS), SOil TERrain Database (SOTER), INtegrated Sink Enhancement Assessment (INSEA), Multiscale EUropean Soil Information System (MEUSIS), Soil Atlas, Digital Dataset of European Groundwater Resources , Soil Profiles , ESBN Workshop Zagreb, Geo-International Publication, SOM sampling protocol, European Soil Data Center (ESDAC),European Reference Grids for the exchange of soil data, Open vacancies , Bio Bio Project, Marc Van Liedekerke, Panos Panagos


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