MainScienceAgricultureField Crops › Integrated Cassava Project: Pest Management

Integrated Cassava Project: Pest Management

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Scan day: 04 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Photographs of affected plants and information on cassava brown streak virus disease, cassava green mite and the mosaic virus, and also pest and weed control in this crop.
Cassava is a major food crop particularly in the developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the potentials of cassava in addressing the increasing food demand of the growing population in Africa as well as diverse uses to which it is subjected, the average production of cassava in Africa is currently below the world average (IITA 1990). The activities of various disease agents are some of the major constraints to achieving the full potential of cassava production in Africa. In cassava, losses in tuber yield due to diseases can be as high as 90% (Wydra and Msikita 1998). The need to protect cassava against diseases is, therefore, a crucial aspect of enhancing the production of the crop. This section of the website will provide information on pests and diseases of cassava such as weeds, insects, nematodes, bacterial and fungal diseases.
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Page title:cassava pathology