Science and Environment
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- Byrd Polar Resesarch Center
- Research focuses on the role of cold regions in the global climate system. Includes publications, conferences, links to related sites.
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- CNR - Polar Research Activity
- Italian organization. Resources, collaborations, news, services, press, and relevant links.
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- EBSCO: Arctic and Antarctic Regions
- Resource for research on cold regions. General information, overview, and content.
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- National Institute of Polar Research
- Japanese facility that researches polar meteorology, glaciology, oceanography, geology, marine and terrestrial biology, ecology, and Antarctic meteorites. Includes information on facilities, publications, and joint research.
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- National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Information and referral center supporting polar and cryospheric research. Education resources, the NSIDC data catalog and an image gallery.
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- Operation Deep Freeze
- Information and pictures on the use of US Navy Destroyer Escorts as weather picket ships from 1957 to 1968.
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- Polar Climate Group
- At the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Goals, staff, publications, research, and literature.
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- Polar Research Board
- Provides independent analysis to the federal government and the nation on matters of science and technology affecting public policy on research needs, environmental quality, natural resources, and other issues in the Arctic, the Antarctic, and cold regions in general.
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- Scott Polar Research Institute
- SPRI is a University of Cambridge research centre covering both the Arctic and Antarctic.
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- The SINTEF Group
- Polar technology programme from The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian institute of technology.
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