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Digital Micronesia - Marshalls

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Description: Provides in-depth information of the environment, culture and history of the Islands.
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Page title:Digital Micronesia--Marshall Islands--An Electronic Library and Archive
Keywords:Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Charles Sturt University, Dirk Spennemann, Spennemann, Albury, Virtual Past, Johnstone Centre, WWW resources, on-line resources, encyclopedia, webpedia, metapedia, Virtual Library, resource lists, Republic of Marshall Islands, Marshall Islands, Atoll, Atolls, Kajin Majel, Aelon Kein, Miconesia, Oceania, Pacific Islands, Small Island Nations, Ailinginae , Ailinglaplap , Ailuk , Arno , Aur , Bikar , Bikini , Bokak , Ebon , Eneen-Kio, Enewetak , Erikup , Jabwat Island, Jaluit , Jemo Island, Kili Island, Kwajalein , Lae , Lib Island, Likiep , Majuro , Maloelap , Mejit Island, Mili , Nadikdik (Knox) , Namorik , Rongelap , Rongerik , Taka , Taongi , Ujae , Ujelang , Uterik , Wake , Wotho , Wotje , Bikini geography.html---,geography, geology, history, culture, society, anthropology, maps, animals,life, customs, material culture, aerial photographs, satellite images, remote sensing, space shuttle, demography, nomenclature, island names, ship visits, ship names, ships, literature.html---,literature, Pacific Islands writing, Pacific writing, Pacific literature, Marshall Islands writing, Marshall Islands literature, Marshallese literature, Marshallese writing, Becke, Louis Becke, George Lewis Becke, Robert Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jane Downing, Fanny Stevenson, Handley Sterndale, Sterndale, Stevenson, Downing, Handley Bathurst Sterndale, wreck of Fo-Hi, whale and sandpiper, whale and sanderling, whale, whales, shipwrecks, hermit crab and needlefish, hermitcrab, crab and needlefish, Burr, theology, strange white woman of Majuro, A point of theology on Majuro, methodical Mr. Burr of Majuro, oral history, oral traditions, legends, myths, mythology, story telling, short stories, Rudolph von Scheven, poetry, children's books, books for children, first grade, readers, english readers, illustrated books, illustrated children's books, Jemlivut, Letao, Ledao, trickster, Maui, creation stories, environment.hmtl---,geography, geology, history, culture, society, anthropology, maps, animals,life, customs, material culture, aerial photographs, satellite images, remote sensing, space shuttle, birds, ornithology, nomenclature, climatology, weather, typhoons, cyclone, cyclones, typhoon, tidal wave, inundation, disaster, disasters, traditional medicine, medicinal plants, plants, botany, zoology, marine zoology, El Niño, ENSO, Southern Oscillation phenomenon, global warming, German Period, German colonial history, mangroves, Gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera, Hemley Benjamin, reclaiming land, coastal protection, history.html---,Annexation, Saipan, Mili, Wotje, Japanese bases, WWII, guns, aircraft, Palau, Pohnpei, Chuuk, Saipan, Marianas, Jaluit, Ebon, Majuro, Arno, Truk, Pelew, Benningsen, ships, ship visits, foreign influence, Libelle, Anna Bishop, ship wreck, stranding, demography, age grouping, demographic data, population, census data, German administration, vernacular architecture, Marshallese architecture, Marshall Islands architecture, architecture, Japanese trading station, trader, trading station, Bouj, Taroa, Mili, WW sites, airbase, Japanese airbase, B-24, Liberator, Consolidated, Ajola, Ine, sea plane, flying boats, Germania, postal steamer, Charlotte, Scarborough, William Marshall, Thomas Gilbert, land ownership, foreign ownership, land tenure, Dr. Bartels, Dr. Braunert, Dr. Erwin Steinbach, Dr. Gustav Schwabe, Dr. Kopp, Dr. Liesegang, Dr. Ludwig Born, Dr. Paul Schnee, Dr. Wilhelm Knappe, Dr.Arno Senfft, Dr. Georg Irmer, Eggert, Ernst Schmidt-Dargitz, Eugen Brandeis, Franz Sonnenschein, Georg Merz, Joseph Siegwanz, Justus KrÃmling, Kumpien, Ludwig Kaiser, Max Biermann, von Bunsen, Victor Berg, Wilhelm Stuckhardt, Bartels, Braunert, Erwin Steinbach, Gustav Schwabe, Kopp, Liesegang, Ludwig Born, Paul Schnee, Wilhelm Knappe, Arno Senfft, Georg Irmer, Steinbach, Schwabe, Born, Schnee, Knappe, Senfft, Irmer, Schmidt-Dargitz, Brandeis, Sonnenschein, Merz, Siegwanz, KrÃmling, Kaiser, Biermann, Berg, Stuckhardt, Bunsen, Germany, German colonial empire, colonialism, German colonies, protectorate, German protectorates, German protectorate, Nauru, Bezirksamtmann, Landeshauptmann, Stationsleiter, Japanese period, Nan'yo Ko, NBK, Nan'yo, Greater South-East Asia Coprosperity Sphere, Coprosperity Sphere, military bases, base development, submarine, British navy, British naval guns, gun, gunnery, coastal defense, coastal defense guns, Armstrong, Armstrong Whitworth, Vickers, EOC, Elswick, Elswick Ordinance Company, nuclear testing, Baker, Bravo, atomic tests, explosion, Grumman, TBF, Avenger, Sabre, drop tank, culture.html---tatooing, manhood, dance, tattoos, culture, politics, legends, Japanese, German, Marshallese, typhoon, s, archaeology, map, WWII, guns, aircraft, Cultural Heritage Legislation, heritage law, legislation, Language Commission Act 1983, National Archives Act 1989,Environmental Protection Authority. Earthmoving Regulations 1989,Nitijela,Regulations Governing Land Modification Activities , Regulations Governing Taking And Export of Artifacts ,Regulations Governing Disposition of Archaeologically Recovered Human Remains , Regulations Governing Conduct of Archaeological And Anthropological Research in Republic , Regulations Governing Access to Prehistoric and Historic Submerged Resources , oral traditions, material culture, clothing, dress, costume, food preparation, breadfruit, breadfruit peeler, mangroves, horticulture, agriculture, tropical agriculture, food gardens, dwelling, vernacular architecture, Marshallese architecture, Marshall Islands architecture, architecture, canoes, walap, tipnol, navigation, boat building, stickcharts, wave pattern navigation, wave pattern, cooking, food preparation, subsistence, sustenance, arrowroot, tacca, starch, archaeology, historic preservation, archeology, artefact, artifact, archaeology, politics.html---,economy, flags, seal, legal system, legislature, minister, cabinet, tax, audit, Marshall Islands Development Bank, Development Bank, Human Rights, coconut, copra, copra prouduction, exports, imports, health.html---, demography, public health, health, hospital, health care, infanticide, population, population control, abortion, infant mortality, mortality, influenza, measles, epidemic, communicable diseases, syphilis, medicine, plant, medicinal plants, dysentery, whooping cough, chicken pox, small pox, WAKE--, World War II, Wake Island, Manila, San Francisco, Macau, Macao, Hongkong, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Canton Island, Noumea, New Caledonia, Los Angeles, Los Angeels, Blue, Midway, Guam, Auckland, PanAm, Pan Am, Pan American, Pan American Airways, Juan Trippe, Trans Pacific Airroute, North Pacific Airroute, South Pacific Airroute, Trans-Pacific Airmail, , First Flight, first flight, inaugural flight, commemorative covers, Mail, route, flying boat, flying boat base, PAA, Boeing 314, Sikorsky 42, China , HongKong , Clipper, Martin 130, Hawaii , Philippine , Honolulu , Yankee , Dixie , American , Atlantic , S-42, GERMAN--,Adler Ausgabe, Adolf Reiher, Alfred Knoth, post, bisect, Briefmarken, British Occupation, cancellation, cancellers, cancels, Carl Domnick, Carl Domnik, chops, Deutsch Neu Guinea, Deutsch-Neu-Guinea, Eagle issue, Eagle issues, Eugen Brandeis, Facsimile, forgeries, forgery, Fournier, Francois Fournier, Freimarken, George Imperator Rex, German Marianas, German Samoa, Germania, GRI, handwritten cancels, Hialeah, history, Hohenzollern, Jaluit Gesellschaft, Jaluit, Japanese Occupation, Karolinen, Kruemling, Nan'yo, South Seas Administration, KrÃmling, labels, mail delivery, mail service, Marianen, Marschall Inseln, Marschall-Inseln, Marschallinseln, Marshall Inseln, Marshall-Inseln, Marshallinseln, Nauru, Neu Guinea, Neudruck, Occupation, Oceana, overprints, post master, post office, postage rate, postage stamps, postage rates, postal history, postal service, postal stationary, Postbeauftragter, prephilatelic registered mail, reprint, shipping connections, ships, SMS Hohenzollern, SS Germania, SS Oceana, stamps, Vorlaeufer, VorlÁufer, World War I, Walter Crosby, Abel Test, Able Test, a-bomb, Achomawi, Ajax, Albemarle, Allen M. Sumner, Appalachian, Appling, Artemis, Avery Island, Baker Test,naval post office, Baker, Barton, Bayfield, Begor, Benevolence, Bexar, Bikini , Bikini, Blue Ridge, Bottineau, Bountiful, Bowditch, Burleson, , cachet, cancellation, Cebu, Charles P. Cecil, Chickasaw, Chikaskia, Chowanoc, Clamp, Coasters Harbor, Conserver, Coucal, Creon, Cumberland Sound, Current, Deliver, Dixie, Enoree, Etlah, Fall River, Flagship, fleet post office, Flusser, Fulton, Furse, Geneva, George Clymer, Gunston Hall, Gypsy, Haven, Haven, Henrico, Hesperia, Ingraham, James M. Gillis, John Blish, Laffey, Limestone, Lowry, Mender, Moale, Munsee, navy post office, Newman K. Perry, nuclear bomb, nuclear testing, O'Brien, Oneota, Operation Crossroads, Orca, Ottawa, Palmyra, Panamint, Pensacola, Phaon, Pilot Fish, Pollux, Preserver, Presque Isle, Quartz, Reclaimer, Robert K. Huntington, Rockingham, Rockwall, Rolette, Saidor, Saint Croix, San Marcos, Severn, Shakamaxon, Shangri La, Sioux, Sphinx, SS-386, Suncock, T-3, Telamon, Test Abel, Test Able, Test Baker, Tombigbee, Turner, USG Kenneth Whitting, USS, Walke, Wenatchee, Wharton, Widgeon, Wildcat,
Description:In-depth and authoritative information on the Marshall Islands (Pacific). An electronic library and archive of primary sources covering people, culture, history, arts, environment, literature, demography, public health, politics, nuclear testing and economy.