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American Samoa Historic Preservation Office

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Description: Government office that identifies, evaluates, and protects the country's history and culture. Program overview, publications with downloadable library, cultural history and related organizations.
Am enjoying your 2012 Calendar. Thank you, some in... Welcome the to the ASHPO website. Established in response to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the American Samoa Historic Preservation Office (ASHPO) identifies, evaluates, registers, interprets and protects American Samoa's historic and cultural properties, from star mounds to shipwrecked vessels. The ASHPO provides communities and preservation organizations with a variety of services, and maintains an inventory of historic properties. It also reviews nominations to the National Register of Historic Places and oversees sites on that register. Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the ASHPO reviews all Federal undertakings for impacts on historic properties.
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Page title:About the ASHPO
Keywords:american samoa, american samoa historic, american samoa preservation, american samoa history, american samoa parks
Description:American Samoa Historic Preservation Office