MainRegionalAsiaEast Timor › Selections from reg.easttimor (ETAN/US)

Selections from reg.easttimor (ETAN/US)

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Scan day: 06 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Archive offering selected postings since 1998.
Selections from reg.easttimor (ETAN/U.S.) a list server echo of a conference (newsgroup) called from the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) member networks (PeaceNet, GreenNet, etc.). distributing items from a wide range of sources, including East Timorese groups and ETAN/US, TAPOL, and other support groups. Reports and translations from wire services and the Indonesian, Portuguese, Australian, British,
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Page title:Selections from reg.easttimor (ETAN/U.S.)
Keywords:East Timor, Indonesia, Suharto, military assistance, East Timor, human rights, Indonesia, Jose Ramos-Horta, East Timor, Bishop Belo, Nobel peace prize, East Timor, Xanana Gusmão, human rights, East Timor, torture, ETAN, human rights, Portugal, United Nations, East Timor, Maubere, Indonesia, West Papua, genocide, Indonesia, human rights, torture, invasion, ov-10 bronco, Indonesia, torture, m-16, arms trade, military assistance, Indonesia, democracy, military assistance, indigenous peoples, torture, Nobel peace prize, United Nations, self-determination, human rights, Henry Kissinger, democracy, Gerald Ford, military assistance, democracy, Jimmy Carter, United Nations, Ronald Reagan, torture, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Nobel peace prize, war and famine, ICRC, sterilization, military assistance, United Nations, torture, security council, United Nations, fretilin, falintil, udt, democracy, invasion, Security Council, Jakarta, fretilin, human rights, democracy, military assistance
Description:ETAN/US provides information about, and ways to help, East Timor, which was invaded and subjugated by US ally Indonesia in 1975. ETAN advocates changing US foreign policy and urges support for self-determination and human rights for East Timor.