Cool Quotes
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Description: Large collection of famous quotes, categorized by subject and author.
Cool Quotes - Coolest quotes on the Web. Welcome to Cool Quotes, the best place on the internet to get good quotes from famous people. Please feel free to browse through our extensive database. Send a famous quotation to a friend or relative by email or suggest a favorite one of your own to be added to our quotations database. Try our random quote generator. Enjoy our Quote of the Day feature. Spend a little time and explore our Categories section where you will find our most popular subjects such as: Famous, Funny, Movie, Inspiration, Friendship, Relationships, Motivation, Movies, Life, Love and many, many more.
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Page title: | Cool Quotes - Coolest quotes on the Web. |
Keywords: | quotes, quote, quotation,quotations, famous, funny, movie, inspirational, love, friendship, quote of the day, friend, random |
Description: | Great collection of famous quotations, quotes are sorted by categories and subjects, including authors, biographies, and quotes citings, a must for any student, researcher, or quotes fan. |
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Date | Creation Date: 05-jan-1999 Expiration Date: 05-jan-2016 |