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The Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks

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Scan day: 19 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Offers upcoming events and information about the board and design team. Education, museum's history and membership with press releases. Under construction in Tupper Lake, New York.
Wild Center | Ignite an enduring passion for the Adirondacks where people and nature can thrive together and set an example for the world. The Wild Center is open this season on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 10am–5pm. There are swimming otters, terrific engaging exhibits and plenty to explore outside and inside.
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Page title:Wild Center | Ignite an enduring passion for the Adirondacks where people and nature can thrive together and set an example for the world.
Description:We invite people all over the world to discover the story of the Adirondacks, and to explore ways that in all corners of the world we can build better bridges between us and the world of nature that our lives depend on.