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Washington Conservation Guild

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Description: Nonprofit organization for professional conservators, students and others interested in the conservation of art, ethnographic and archaeological objects, and other areas of materials conservation.
Washington Conservation Guild - For professional conservators, students and others interested in the conservation of art, ethnographic and archaeological objects, and other areas of materials conservation
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Page title:Washington Conservation Guild - For professional conservators, students and others interested in the conservation of art, ethnographic and archaeological objects, and other areas of materials conservation
Keywords:guild,nonprofit,restoration,restorer,preservation,artifact,conservation,art conservation,conservation education,conservation ethics,archival materials,cultural property,museum materials,conservator,paintings,paper,books,photographs,textiles,decorative arts,sculpture,wooden artifacts,architectural materials,archaeological materials,natural science materials,ethnographic materials
Description:The Washington Conservation Guild (WCG) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for professional conservators, students and others interested in the conservation of art, ethnographic and archaeological objects, and other areas of materials conservation. It is based in Washington, D.C. and draws its membership primarily from Washington, Maryland and northern Virginia. WCG offers a forum for exchanging information about conservation through monthly meetings (October through May) and a quarterly newsletter.