Subject Specific
- 61
- Paul V. Galvin Library
- Links to subject guides, maintained by this Illinois Institute of Technology library, in a number of engineering fields.
- 62
- University of Georgia Science Library
- Includes the page "Science resources on the Internet", an index to web resources arranged by subject.
- 63
- University of Pennsylvania Science and Engineering Libraries
- Selected web sites, resources guides, and e-reference resources for chemistry, engineering, math, physics, and astronomy.
- 64
- Vanderbilt University Stevenson Science and Engineering Library
- Selected resources by discipline, an online map collection, patent resources, and news.
- 65
- Gerber Hart Library
- Gay, lesbian and bisexual issues library, archives and resource center, offering a wide range of cultural and educational programs aimed at the goal of dispelling homophobia through knowledge.
- 66
- Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research
- Information about policies, collections, and membership, with indexes to major collections archiving Los Angeles history and culture.
- 67
- Tyndale House Library
- An international centre for biblical research, based in Cambridge, England. One of the world's largest biblical studies libraries. Full catalogue and other resources online.
- 68
- Emory University Pitts Theology Library
- General information about the library and its services, including access to the online catalog and research resources in theology.
- 69
- Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
- Founded to preserve medieval manuscripts from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in microfilm form. Offers research materials for all aspects of medieval and Renaissance life.
- 70
- James P Boyce Centennial Library, Southern Baptist Seminary
- Huge collection of 872,000 items. Premier collections include Baptist associational minutes, Baptist newspapers and other primary materials related to Baptist work in the South.
- 71
- Libraries of the Ecumenical Centre and the Bossey Ecumenical Institute
- More than 100,000 books, periodicals and pamphlets pertaining to the 20th century ecumenical movement, in Geneva, Switzerland.
- 72
- Quartz Hill School of Theology Library
- Online books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and online journals available to the public.
- 73
- St. Tikhon's Seminary Library
- Approximately 35,000 volumes and 200 current periodicals concentrating on Orthodox Eastern Christianity, with emphasis on the fields of Church History, Patristics and Hagiography. Also 12,000 monograph and periodicals with strong representation of East European and pre-1917 Russian theological works and devotional literature.
- 74
- The CHRISTIA Library
- Documents relating to practical Christian life as submitted by the CHRISTIA mailing list readers, including biographies, sermons, and issues of morality.
- 75
- University of Tennessee Pendergrass Agriculture-Veterinary Medicine Library
- Electronic, internet, and print resources in agriculture and veterinary medicine.
- 76
- Washington University Biology Library
- Electronic resources for biology, including biochemistry, botany, and medicine, as well as how to find people, publications, and other information on the web.
- 77
- Cornell University Engineering Library
- Library and electronic resources in engineering, including web sites and databases (some only available to Cornell students), and guides to resources, classes, and subject areas.
- 78
- UC Berkeley Kresge Engineering Library
- Resources for engineering on the Internet and in the library, with links to library and resource guides.