Subject Specific
- 1
- Bernice Bienenstock Furniture Library
- Largest collection of books on furniture, home furnishings styles and interior design in the world. Over 8,000 volumes dating from 1600.
- 2
- Farmland Information
- A clearinghouse for information about farmland protection and stewardship. It is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and American Farmland Trust.
- 3
- Shevchenko Scientific Society Library
- Collections in mathematics, physics, and technology, and works by and about Ukrainians and the Ukraine Diaspora. Online catalog has entries transliterated into Roman characters.
- 4
- Anne and Jerome Fisher Fine Arts Library at the University of Pennsylvania
- Collections cover architecture, city planning, historic preservation, history of art, landscape architecture, the studio arts and urban design. Holdings emphasize Western subjects, but includes materials on the arts of Islam, South Asia and the Far East.
- 5
- Cornell Fine Arts Library
- Supports research in the areas of art, architecture, historic preservation, history of art, city and regional planning and landscape architecture. Ithaca, New York.
- 6
- New York State College of Ceramics Scholes Library
- Supports local and Internet research in the art and science of ceramics and related materials.
- 7
- Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, The Art Institute of Chicago
- The research library collections of The Art Institute of Chicago, including primary source collections on American architecture.
- 8
- The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
- Holds, studies and exhibits a very large collection of rare books and manuscripts, photographs, works of art, items related to the performing arts, and twentieth-century literature and fine arts, principally American, British and French.
- 9
- University of California at Los Angeles Arts Library
- Information about the library and Internet resources in the arts, including art history, architecture, music, and film.
- 10
- Vassar College Art Library
- A variety of electronic sources in the fine arts, including Internet links for research information and digitized images, course-specific resources, and access to the online catalog.
- 11
- Bentley College Solomon Baker Library
- Restricted and free resources on the web and in the library for business and general reference.
- 12
- Business Resources at Library of Congress
- U.S. government's resources and web links to business related resources and information.
- 14
- James J. Hill Reference Library
- Offering business professionals essential information and researching tools for understanding the various aspects of running a business.
- 17
- The Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration Library
- Kobe University's Economics and Business Library, offering business research references to the business researcher.
- 18
- University of Michigan Kresge Business Administration Library
- Includes electronic resources, research guides, and working papers from around the country.