Library and Information Science
- 381
- Department of Library Science, Clarion University of Pennsylvania
- Offers an undergraduate degree and dual majors as well as the MSLS, MSLS/JD and a certificate of advanced study. An Internet only program is also available.
- 382
- FSU School of Library & Information Studies
- Florida State University program that awards the MA, MS, Ed.S. and PhD. Also has undergraduate major and minor in Information Science, teacher certification program and Museum Studies certificate.
- 383
- LC Thesaurus for Graphic Materials I: Subject Terms (TGM I)
- "The primary web page for the Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials I: Subject Terms (TGM I), a thesaurus of terms for subject indexing of pictorial materials. TGM I is primarily designed for automated cataloging and indexing systems. It is authorized for use in MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging) records and adheres to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) guidelines for thesaurus construction."
- 384
- LC Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II (TGM II)
- "This is the main web page for the Thesaurus for Graphics Materials II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Terms. It is a thesaurus of terms developed by the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, with input from other archival image repositories. This is a companion volume to the Thesaurus for Graphic Materials I: Subject Terms."
- 385
- The application of form data to works of fiction: Discussion paper
- "This paper reviews the application of form and genre headings from the Library of Congress Subject Headings to works of fiction. The purpose of this study is to highlight the issues arising from the planned implementation of the new 655 field and $v subfield for form data on the LCSH file in the specific context of one major literary genre." By the British Library Fiction Indexing Group
- 386
- Medical Subject Headings
- The Medical Subject Headings comprise the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary used for indexing articles, for cataloging books and other holdings, and for searching MeSH-indexed databases, including MEDLINE. Changes in 1999 MeSH; MeSH files available for download, MeSH publications ordering information, MeSH Browser, MeSH Staff biographies and email addresses, and suggestions for MeSH vocabulary.
- 387
- Preservation Descriptors & Classification Schemes
- Classification schema related to preservation, drawn from a number of sources, including LISA, ERIC, Art Index, Applied Science and Technology Index, and seven others.
- 388
- Metadata: Mapping between metadata formats.
- Michael Day. UK Office for Library and Information Networking. GILS, Dublin Core, MARC, EAD, Z39.50, TEI, and FGDC.
- 389
- Guidance on expressing the Dublin Core within the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
- A working draft.
- 391
- Wikipedia: Dublin Core
- Contains background and levels of the standard, syntaxes, and list of applications.
- 392
- DC-4: The 4th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop Report
- Held at the National Library of Australia. (June 01, 1997)
- 393
- Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Official Web Site
- "The official Web site for the Encoded Archival Description DTD, a SGML application for archival finding aids. The DTD was developed by the archival community and is maintained by the Library of Congress. The Web page provides links to EAD documents and implementors."
- 394
- Encoded Archival Description Tag Library
- Official Web site for the Encoded Archival Description Document Type Definition (DTD) Version 2002 Tag Library.
- 396
- FGDC Tools (USGS)
- Freely available FGDC metadata editors and related tools that operate on a wide variety platforms.
- 397
- Resource Description Framework
- Official pages from the World Wide Web Consortium, includes the specification, resources and news, and a links collection.