Library and Information Science
- 341
- MARC Standards
- Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office. Includes: general information, MARC documentation, MARC Advisory Committee, MARC SGML, records and systems, and software and utilities.
- 342
- MARC 21 Standards
- Serves as the common standard for the exchange of machine-readable authority, bibliographic, classification, and holdings data in Canada. Includes news and announcements, CAN/MARC documentation, MARC Records Distribution Service (MRDS).
- 343
- MARC Specialized Tools
- Provides links to MARC vendors who market specialized tools that provide enhanced usability to MARC 21 records and systems. Includes both commercial and free tools.
- 346
- Metadata Research Center (MRC)
- The University of North Carolina School of Information and Library (SILS) Metadata Research Center has been established to advance research in the area of metadata, semantics and ontologies.
- 349
- Resource Guide to Metadata
- Reference to metadata standards for scientific, research, and education information. Describes ontologies for science.
- 351
- Visual Resources Association
- Non-profit organization for advancing knowledge, research, and education in the field of visual information resources. Features newsletter, conferences, contacts and membership details.
- 352
- Advanced Meta Data Architecture
- David Marco. Architectural challenges that arise with implementing a meta data repository that requires more advanced functionality. (August 01, 2000)
- 353
- Capitol District Information, Inc.
- Court services: federal, state and local courts nationwide with emphasis on U.S. Supreme Court, Appeals Courts, and U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts; House and Senate documents, and State statutes, codes and rules; documents of all government agencies.
- 354
- The Document Center
- Delivers print copies of specifications and standards, including documents of military, federal, and federal agencies; Standards Developing Organizations in US industry; US, international, and regional standards organizations.
- 355
- Clio
- ILL transaction management software. Y2K compliant, OCLC MicroEnhancer integration, staff-process oriented tools. Additional products include ClioMed for National Library of Medicine transactions, ClioRequest for ISO 10160/10161 request routing to ILL Direct Request or OCLC Review File, MiniClio for libraries served by a referral center.
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- WebZAP
- Developed at Colorado State University Libraries, ZAP ILL offers web-based ILL requesting service to your users. Requests to Review File, ISO 10160/10161 compliant, secure transaction submissions, no local maintenance required.
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- Interlibrary Loan Application Standards Maintenance Agency
- Home site for the ILL Protocol Standard (ISO 10160/10161).