Knowledge Representation
- 81
- ISWC2003: 2nd International Semantic Web Conference
- Upcoming meeting with calls for papers, sponsors, workshop and tutorial proposals, demos, and posters.
- 82
- LDOW2011 Linked Data on the Web Workshop
- Will be held 28th - 29th March 2011 at WWW2011, in Hyderabad, India.
- 83
- RuleML 2011: 5th International Symposium on Rules
- First Installment will be held in conjunction with IJCAI 2011 in Barcelona, Spain, in July. The second will be co-located with the Business Rule Forum 2011 to be held in early November in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
- 84
- OASIS Published Subjects
- Homepage for all published subjects published by the OASIS Technical Committees.
- 85
- Ontopia's Omnigator
- Omnigator is a free downloadable topic map navigator, powered by Ontopia's engine.
- 86
- Common Topic Map Application Programming Interface is a collaborative effort to define an API for topic map applications.
- 88
- tinyTIM
- A very small and easy to use in memory Topic Map engine, implementing the TMAPI interfaces.
- 91
- NetworkedPlanet Limited
- Vendor of processing software and information management tools for the Microsoft .NET platform.
- 93
- Techquila
- Kal Ahmed provides training and systems development services using standards-based technology.
- 94
- K-Discovery Project
- A project from Groupware Competence Center, University of Paderborn, Germany. Introduces conceptual framework, architecture and implementation approach, to create knowledge structures based on topic maps in organizational memories.
- 95
- Techquila's Topic Map World
- A topic map of the topic map world: people, concepts, tools, organizations, languages, and software.
- 97
- Business Maps: Topic Maps Go B2B
- Article in XML.COM by Marc de Graauw on ways to achieve interoperability between B2B vocabularies.
- 98
- RDF and Topic Maps - an Exercise in Convergence
- Paper presented by Graham Moore at XML Europe 2001. [PDF]