- 402
- Flag of Spain
- Government and civil flags of Spain. Thumbnail, small and large GIF images suitable for web sites, with links to geography, economy, population, government and other country facts.
- 405
- Flag of Sri Lanka
- Check out thumbnail, small, and large GIF images of the national flag of Sri Lanka, with links to general country facts.
- 408
- Flags of Swaziland []
- Small, medium and large GIF images of the national flag of Swaziland, suitable for use on web pages, which the author permits.
- 409
- Maps of World: Switzerland
- Describes the national flag, its history, and basic information about the country.
- 410
- Flag of Syria []
- Thumbnail, small and large GIF images of Syria's national flag suitable for web pages with links to Syria country facts.
- 411
- Flag of Taiwan
- Small, medium and large GIFs of Taiwan's national flag. Author permits use on web pages.
- 414
- Flags of Thailand []
- Thumbnail, small and large GIFs of Thai flag for web pages with links to Thailand country facts.
- 415
- Flag GIFs []
- Thumbnail, small and large GIFs suitable for web pages with links to Tonga country facts.
- 417
- Flag of Tunisia []
- Thumbnail, small and large GIF images of the flag of Tunisia suitable for web pages with links to Tunisia country facts.