Products and Services
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- Easy English Times
- Offers a newspaper designed for adult learners which is published ten times per year.
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- Eli Magazines
- Monthly magazines, 29 issues total, for learning languages for beginner to advanced. Designed for young learners.
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- Global Analytical Method (GAME)
- Information on the program of teaching English. Book, cassette, teacher's guide and software. Online ordering available. Information in Hebrew and English.
- 345
- Idiom Dictionary
- Markets a pocket-guide to idioms as well as a new idiom or idiomatic phrase each day. A searchable index and idioms delivered by E-mail on request.
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- Inside Out
- Resource and support material for the series. Weekly e-lessons for upper-intermediate and above.
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- Let's Speak Business English by Linda Cypres, M.I.M., Ph.D.
- Offers a book and two-cassette package for learning business English and common American business practices.
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- Master Spoken English
- Describes series of video tapes complete with study guides for self-teaching fluency-building in speaking, listening to, and reading. Includes ordering information.
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- Multilingual Books
- Features products to help with learning or translation. Offers links to online learning areas and information is available in other languages.
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- Teach English Abroad
- Markets material on how to find work as a teacher in Europe, Mexico and Japan.
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- The Spelling Helper
- Teacher has published a spelling workbook of homonyms. Free practice exercises are available.
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- The Thinking Approach
- Introduces the Integrated OTSM-TRIZ course; a methodology teaching both language and thinking skills simultaneously. E-mail the author for free materials and course pricing.
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- Wall Street Institute
- Franchise company offers to assist universities and higher educational institutions to develop programs.
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- Webschool
- Instruction in an interactive environment available for training organizations which have their own web site. Free demonstration and listing of technical requirements.