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Genius Denied

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Description: Extension of the book Genius Denied containing excerpts, reviews and a searchable database of resources, including state gifted education policies, articles and forums, relevant to the gifted and talented community.
Genius Denied ~ Welcome to Genius Denied
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Page title:Genius Denied ~ Welcome to Genius Denied
Keywords:genius denied, davidson, davidsons, jan davidson, bob davidson, laura Vanderkam, gifted, gifted book, davidson fellows, davidson institute, davidson institute for talent development, davidson scholar, davidson young scholar, davidson young scholar program, ditd, GT, genius, gifted, gifted and talented, gifted & talented, gifted child, gifted children, gifted education, gifted kids, gifted student, gifted testing, giftedness, Davidson Gifted Database, high IQ, intellectual, intelligence, intelligent, IQ, parenting gifted, parenting gifted children, precocious, prodigy, profoundly gifted, profoundly intelligent, programs for gifted, smart, smart kids, young scholar, exceptional genius, exceptionally smart, brightest young minds
Description:Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting Our Brightest Young Minds, authored by Bob and Jan Davidson with Laura Vanderkam and published in 2004 by Simon & Schuster, is hailed as a “manifesto for change” by gifted education advocates and experts.