MainReferenceEducationK through 12 › Early Entrance Foundation

Early Entrance Foundation

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Scan day: 04 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Resources for parents of profoundly gifted children who are interested in rapid academic acceleration - early entrance to college at ages 11-15.
Profoundly gifted children should be educationally challenged according to their abilities; their learning experiences should not be limited according to their age. Their special needs should be recognized and accommodated. Like all children, extremely intelligent children should have the opportunity to be challenged to excel and achieve. The Early Entrance Foundation was formed in 2004 to help asynchronous children accelerate their education through early entrance to college.
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Page title:Early Entrance Foundation
Keywords:early entrance foundation profoundly highly gifted high school alternative underachiever under-achiever early entrance program CSULA EEP California State University Los Angeles Washington EEP/TSS Mary Baldwin PEG
Description:early entrance foundation profoundly highly gifted high school alternative underachiever under-achiever asynchronous early entrance program CSULA EEP California State University Los Angeles Washington EEP/TSS Mary Baldwin PEG