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Computer Lesson Plans for Tired Teachers

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Description: Free lesson plans and lesson plan books to support you using computers in the classroom.
Educational Technology Lessons & News - Smartboards, Augmented Reality, Tablets, Smartphones Appropriate for Grades: 3 up Overview: Using a Word Processor or desktop publishing template, produce a travel brochure that depicts the students’ ultimate trip. Unlike an adult’s trip, it might include theme parks, outer space, food outlets or places kids like to go. Activity: Start a word process or desktop publishing program. Choose a brochure template. Discuss as a class where specific information should go on a brochure such as what shows when it is folded. Fill in the title information and contact information. Launch an Internet browser . Search for images and information about places that they would like to visit. (Try to use royalty free images.) Save images to the ...
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Page title:Educational Technology Lessons & News - Smartboards, Augmented Reality, Tablets, Smartphones
Keywords:Lesson Plan, Teacher Lesson Plan, Math, Science, Kindergarten, Art, Social, ESL, Elementary, Free Lesson Plan, Language Arts, Easy Writing, Special Education, Middle School, Geography, Preschool Lesson Plan, Phonics, Free Geography Lesson Plan, Elementary Math, Weather, Lessonplans
Description:Get the latest teaching technology news. Discover new lessons, ideas and tools to improve your classroom teaching