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Christian Home Educators of West Virginia

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Scan day: 07 March 2014 UTC
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Description: CHEWV is a ministry founded for the purpose of encouraging and equipping families in the performance of their God-given responsibilities to train and educate their children.
Christian Home Educators of West Virginia Training children to the glory and honor of God our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Opportunities for Homeschoolers Toll Free Number 1-877-802-1773
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 877-802-1773


Page title:Homeschooling in West Virginia
Keywords:Homeschooling, Homeschooling in WV, legislative, testing, portfolio, conference, getting started in homeschooling, standardized testing, law, preschool, encouragement, homeschoolers, educators, Christian, Home Educators, Home School Day at the Capitol, Fine Arts, Considering Homeschooling, home schooling high school, summer homeschooling, WV Field trips, free homeschool resources, hslda, new to homeschooling, unschooling, classic education, parenting, parental rights, legal, homeschool WV, WV homeschooling
Description:Homeschooling in West Virginia, We provide homeschool help, preschool, middle school, high school