K through 12
- 141
- Gifted Homeschoolers Forum
- Supporting gifted homeschoolers in California, providing resources, information, and networking.
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- Villiers Park Educational Trust
- Aims to foster inspirational 14 to 19 learning and teaching by facilitating the sharing of knowledge and best practice. Provides INSET courses and master classes at AS/A2 level and establishes networks between schools and local universities. Lists courses, teaching ideas, networks and contact details.
- 144
- Integrated Services: A Summary for Rural Educators
- This Digest clarifies what integrated social service delivery entails and discusses major models of service integration, as well as the important role of case management. The Digest concludes by considering the circumstances and challenges that affect plans for this type of service delivery system in rural America, including the needs of rural families.
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- Organizations Concerned about Rural Education is a coalition of more than two dozen education, farm, rural, technology and utility organizations. What brings us together is our common concern for the economic future of rural America, particularly, the education of rural children.
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- Opera as an Intervention for Rural Public School Children
- Offers an essay which examines how studying opera can benefit students in rural schools.
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- Rural Education
- The National Center for Education Statistics provides links to data and resources related to rural education.
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- Rural Schools and Community Trust
- Through advocacy, research, and outreach, the Rural Trust strives to create a more favorable environment for rural schooling, for student work with a public audience and use, and for more active community participation in schooling.
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- The Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI)
- Conducts policy-relevant research and facilitates public dialogue to assist policymakers in understanding the rural impacts of public policies and programs.
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- New School Resources
- Helping education organizations and schools develop strategies, business, financial, and technology plans.
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- Committee for Children - Social Emotional Learning
- A not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting social-emotional learning and the prevention of bullying, child abuse and youth violence through education.
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- Grazing the Net: Raising a Generation of Free Range Students
- The theme of this article is the value of raising young people to think, explore and make meaning for themselves.
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- Integrated Technology Education Group
- Describes a total system approach to the challenges of linking education technology products and services to school facilities, while seeking to optimize student learning.
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- Internet4Classrooms
- Index to three collections of sites designed to help teachers use the Internet effectively, or to learn specific software applications.
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- Lower Hudson Regional Information Center
- Educational technology resources available for technology leadership including school lesson plans, security, networks, software, and student information systems.
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- Making the Net Work for Schools: Online Research Modules
- Online research modules provide a path a teacher can follow with a class of students. They offer clear instructions as well as daily activities which focus on higher level thinking and electronic resources which have been tested for quality.
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- National Center for Technology Planning
- A clearinghouse for the exchange of many types of information related to technology planning.