K through 12
- 101
- National Independent Private School Association
- Organization for operators of for-profit private schools in the United States.
- 102
- Private Schools Interscholastic Association (PSIA)
- Mission is to promote private, charter and home-school student achievement through academic competition.
- 103
- The Coalition of Lighthouse Schools
- Exists to create a dynamic learning community of schools that is utilizing one-to-one computing to empower students and teachers to lead in the twenty-first century.
- 104
- The National Coalition of Girls' Schools
- Site offers a number of valuable resources for girls, their parents and educators including recommended readings and a list of publications about what works for girls, including a free directory of girls' schools nationwide.
- 105
- The Vincent/Curtis Educational Register
- Search database or request a free directory of private independent boarding schools, summer study programs and camps. Site has articles about related topics.
- 106
- American School Directory
- A paid subscription based directory of 108,000 K-12 schools in the United States.
- 107
- National Center for Education Statistics: School Search
- Find statistical information on all k-12 schools. Data provided on individual schools and districts.
- 108
- Public School Review
- Provides free, detailed profiles of public schools across the United States. The site compares schools relative to each other and to state-wide averages for several key criteria.
- 109
- Public Schools Directory
- Provides information for public schools across the United States. Also contains parent reviews, calendar of events, alumni lists and links to official school websites.
- 111
- SchoolDigger.com
- Profiles, rankings, test scores and parent reviews of over 120,000 U.S. public schools.
- 112
- SchoolMatch
- A national searchable directory of all public elementary, secondary schools and school systems. Sells detailed reports on these schools or districts for a fee.
- 113
- Administrators.Net
- K12 Administrators Website - on-line professional development and networking center for K-12 school administrators.
- 114
- E-Rate Central
- An informational site offering E-rate news and commentary and dedicated to simplifying the E-rate filing process for schools, libraries and vendors. The site provides information on next steps, discount rate optimization, audits and service provider coordination.
- 115
- Principals' Partnership Website
- This website is designed to support high school administrators in their important work and provides great original ideas and links to outstanding resources. This site is sponsored by Union Pacific Railroad.
- 116
- School Administrators' Publishing Company (SAPCO)
- School administrators' Publishing Company(SAPCO) creates and publishes handbooks for school administrators.SAPCO also produces books for use by the United States military and legal books for school administrators in California and Texas.
- 117
- Teacher Evaluation: New Directions and Practices
- Includes essays and articles related to teacher evaluation, as well as sample forms.
- 118
- The National Board For Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
- Works to strengthen the teaching profession and to improve student learning in America's schools.