K through 12
- 821
- Discover Texas
- Screenshots, a description, and ordering information for this CD-Rom based curriculum designed to teach Texas history, geography, and government to homeschoolers grades 4 through 9.
- 823
- Homeschool in Houston
- Information, activities, and events specific to Houston area home educators.
- 824
- Texas Home Educators
- Legal information, e-mail lists, support groups, and other resources for homeschoolers in Texas.
- 826
- Blount Home Education Association
- Club information, field trip tips for the local area, and membership requirements for this local Biblical Christian support group.
- 827
- TennKidsClub
- Online information clearinghouse for home schoolers in the East Tennessee/Knoxville area. Activity calendar, support groups, classes, and home school information.
- 828
- Latter Day Saint Home Educators Association
- LDS-HEA is a state-wide support organization for those schooling around the Mormon faith. It sponsors a yearly conference, bookstore, newsletter, how-to packet, and curricula recommendations.
- 829
- Utah Christian Home School Association
- UTCH is a statewide support network of families schooling around the tenets of the Christian faith. It provides field trips, workshops, graduation ceremony, annual convention, resource library, monthly newsletter, and legislative updates.
- 830
- Utah Home Education Association
- UHEA is a state-wide group for homeschoolers and other alternative forms of education. It sponsors an annual convention, newsletter, auction, and message boards.
- 831
- Arlington Association of Home Educators
- Information page for this Arlington-area local Christian support group, including sports calendars and political opinions.
- 832
- Brazos Valley Co-op
- Exists to provide quality classes for home schooled children that will enrich their overall educational experience. Class schedule, course descriptions, registration fees and processes, code of conduct, teachers and their contact information, volunteer procedures, and a school calendar.
- 833
- Friday School
- Information and class schedules for Friday School, a supplemental academic day school for homeschoolers in and around the San Antonio area.
- 834
- HCentralSA
- This is an online-only support, announcement and information website for San Antonio home educators.
- 835
- Home Education Associational Resources, Inc. of Rockwall
- HEAR is a local support group for Home Educators providing educational clubs, co-op classes, and field trips.
- 836
- Home Schoolhouse
- Serving the north Houston area with enrichment and core subject classes, clubs and teams, workshops and support opportunities for parents.
- 837
- King's Warriors
- King's Warriors Homeschool select basketball teams for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
- 838
- McKinney Area Christian Homeschoolers
- Events and information pages for MACH, a cooperative fellowship of families who homeschool one or more of their children.