K through 12
- 761
- Sharing Homes and Resources for Education
- Homeschool helps, "A Parade of Days" events descriptions, and a resource directory from this LDS-oriented support group.
- 762
- Kearsarge Mountain Homeschoolers
- Events listings and an online library from this local support group.
- 763
- Montshire Museum of Science Homeschoolers' Days
- Information on homeschooler-only days at this hands-on museum with dozens of exhibits relating to the natural and physical sciences, ecology, and technology.
- 764
- New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources
- Curricula and field trip ideas, legislative and bureaucratic information for homeschooling parents, and fun pages for homeschooled kids.
- 765
- Catholic Homeschool Association with Papal Loyalty Educating Together
- Information on CHAPLET, a local support group serving Camden and Burlington Counties. Includes activities, clubs, curriculum choices, resource links, and curriculum recommendations.
- 766
- Education Network of Christian Home Schoolers
- State-wide non-profit organization that hosts an annual convention, distributes legal updates, maintains a guidance manual for new homeschoolers, and publishes a monthly newsletter.
- 769
- Albuquerque Homeschool Co-op
- An inclusive support group offering homeschooling families social support, fun, and enriching educational activities.
- 770
- Christian Association of Parent Educators - New Mexico
- This statewide organization's page includes a calendar of events, convention information, email alerts, and a listing of local support groups, many of which do not have web presence.
- 771
- Loving Education at Home
- LEAH is a statewide Christian organization, the members of which are likeminded Christian home education support groups made up of families dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4.
- 772
- New York Home Educators' Network
- NYHEN is an inclusive statewide group that maintains a legislative watch, news section, egroups, and other information pertinent to those who educate their children at home.
- 773
- Albuquerque Homeschool Forum
- An active message board supporting New Mexico homeschoolers; members share information, connect for playdates, find study buddies, and build friendships.
- 774
- APPLE Family Homeschool Group
- This Long Island inclusive support group offers chess club information, attachment parenting resources, homeschool FAQs, and event and activity listings for its membership.
- 775
- Homeschool NYC
- Inclusive information portal with local resources, inexpensive field trips, events, and recommendations.
- 776
- North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education
- Legal requirements and resources from the State of North Carolina.
- 777
- North Carolinians for Home Education
- A statewide Christian, but inclusive, support network with conference information, legal helps, support listings, and legislative updates.
- 778
- North Dakota Department of Public Instruction: Home Education
- Official information from the state's education department concerning home schooling.