K through 12
- 641
- Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Students: An Underserved Population
- by Miraca Gross. Research suggests that the inclusion classroom, with age peers, may not be the most appropriate environment. (January 01, 2000)
- 642
- An Auschwitz Alphabet
- Alphabet represents my selection (macabre word) of the most significant facets of life and death in Auschwitz. In twenty-six "slices", I have attempted to illustrate the entire human landscape of the camp: Who killed and who died? How did people survive? What happened to the language they spoke? What rules governed the perpetrators and their victims? Where was God?
- 643
- Witnesses
- A Cybrary of the Holocaust is an educational forum bringing together Holocaust survivors, children of Holocaust survivors, art by children studying the Holocaust, educational efforts, and Books by Survivors to promote learning and remembering about the Holocaust.
- 644
- Citizens Against Character First in Three Rivers, MI
- Citizens group opposing government-sanctioned character training.
- 646
- Cornerstone Curriculum
- Homeschooling unit study materials for building families upon a Biblical Worldview.
- 647
- The Homeschooler's Guide
- The Homeschooler's Guide connects the Calgary area homeschooling community to organizations/individuals offering programs, and events.
- 648
- North Alabama Home Educators
- The goals, events, and activities of NAHE support groups. Also contains reasons home education is superior to classroom instruction, and reasons it encourages better character development.
- 649
- Elmore County Homeschool Organization
- ECHO is a support group for all families in the greater Wetumpka and Millbrook areas of Elmore County who homeschool.
- 650
- ERCHA - Eagle River Christian Homeschool Association
- A support group where families come together to form activities such as a high-school running group, Tuesday clubs, and a junior high MathCounts team.
- 651
- Interior Distance Education of Alaska
- IDEA is the home schooling support program of Galena City School District, serving the needs of students throughout Alaska since 1997. Our mission is to provide resources and support to parents who have chosen to educate their children at home.
- 652
- Dragnz
- Six humans, three dogs, and one useless cat share tips on unschooling, Scouting, cartoons, and AIDS.
- 653
- Train Up A Child
- The McCay family makes curricula recommendations, and shares field trip information.
- 654
- Arizona Families for Home Education
- AFHE is a statewide non-profit corporation that promotes and supports home education, funds a homeschool college scholarship program, lists state resources and laws, and maintains support group and events listings. Graduation and prom information and registration available.
- 655
- Christian Home Educators of Tucson Northwest
- CHET-NW is a Christian support group offering fellowship, support and activities for area parent-directed homeschool families.
- 656
- Christian Home Educators of Tucson: Southeast
- CHET Southeast is one of four CHET support groups in the greater Tucson area. It serves members through Fellowship Fridays, field trips, teen groups, Geobee, and social events.
- 657
- Desert Hills Christian Homeschoolers
- Established in 1986, DHCH is one of the oldest homeschool support groups in Arizona. Serving families in New River, Black Canyon City, Anthem, Tramonto, Cave Creek, and surrounding areas.
- 658
- Family Pages: Heber J. Grant Academy
- The Grant family shares their self-paced learning, hands on experiences, field trips, and friends.