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Sidney Sussex Boat Club

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Scan day: 09 March 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Includes latest news, crew listings, contact details, and photographs.
Posted: Sunday 02 March 2014, 1:09PM by W2 started day 3 of bumps feeling very optimistic about catching Murray Edwards W2, especially after them being bumped the previous two days. Our start was a little rocky but we quickly got into our rhythm with some great lengthens. Queens W2 were straight away hot on our heels with a whistle, but we too had gained half a length on the boat in front. A few strokes later and Queens were crabbing, allowing us to pull away and start reeling in the Medwards, getting to just a canvas away. Unfortunately, in the excitement of it all, we caught a crab resulting in Medwards pulling away and us steering full pelt into a tree...Bow 4 took one for the team and we had to watch Queens row past us, claiming the bump.
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Contact Information



Page title:SSBC - Sidney Sussex Boat Club
Keywords:SSBC, Sidney Sussex, Rowing, Boat Club, Cambridge
Description:Sidney Sussex Boat Club (SSBC) is the rowing society of Sidney Sussex College Cambridge.