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Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology

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Description: (Roman Catholic women) Information about courses, and brief staff biographies.
Homepage - The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology Welcome to the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology. We are an academic institution that works within the Roman Catholic Church and its principle of human flourishing through God’s grace. We set out to offer transforming experiences for women, the community and the Church through theological education, professional pastoral practice and personal formation, assisting women to discern God’s call and preparing them for lay ministries and Christian discipleship in today’s world.
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Page title:Homepage - The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology
Keywords:The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, Catholic, Catholic women, theology, academic, lay ministry, discipleship, Cambridge, Cambridge University, Cambridge Theological Federation, CTF, Anglia Ruskin University, ecumenical, community, Christian vocation, BA Christian Theology, BTh for Ministry, MA Pastoral Theology, Professional Doctorate in Practical Theology, pastoral skills, placements, contemporary Catholicism, African Catholic colleges, women’s formation
Description:The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, a Catholic institute preparing women for lay ministry, is part of the Cambridge Theological Federation and affiliated to Cambridge University and Anglia Ruskin University.