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Financial Aid Facts

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Description: Lists types of student aid, award letter information, scholarships, loan insight and resources.
Financial Aid | Your Free Guide To Finaid And Scholarships The single most important thing a new college student or parent of a new college student can do to prepare financially is to make a budget. Making a budget requires knowing two things: 1) how much is college going to cost? and 2) how much money do I have to cover these costs? Our section titled How Much is this Going to Cost? can help you answer the first question. Every school will have different finaid requirements and costs will vary. Our Cost of Attendance worksheet will help you start putting some real costs together and start you on your way to a sound financial aid plan.
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Page title:Financial Aid | Your Free Guide To Finaid And Scholarships
Description:Free financial aid tips and advice. Don't let the process overwhelm you. Our site makes it all crystal clear. Get the answers you need today.