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Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies

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Description: Department site contains Spring 2004 Class Schedule, Graduate Degree in Chicana/o Studies information, Undergraduate information, Catalogue Information on Chicana/o Studies, Faculty, The Cézar Chavez Memorial Scholarship, and many related links as well as times and contact details for the department.
Home :: Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at San Diego State University The Department of Chicana/o Studies In 1969 a small group of committed faculty members and students from San Diego attended the historic Santa Barbara conference where the
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Page title:Home :: Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at San Diego State University
Keywords:chicano, chicana, chicano studies, chicana studies, mexican-american, mexican american, latino, latina, mexico, aztlýn, aztlan, hispanic american, hispanic studies
Description:One of the West Coast's finest departments for cutting edge Chicana/o Studies