For a Fee
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- Ask The Neurologist
- Provides articles and forums about neurological conditions and diagnoses where MDs answer user questions in exchange for a donation.
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- Provides answers from finance and accounting professionals for a fee. Users can submit their question, and then accept or reject the price/deadline offer provided by an expert. Does not provide content to non-paying users.
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- JustAnswer
- Auto mechanics, doctors, accountants and other experts answer user-submitted questions for an agreed upon fee.
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- Ask questions and get answers in chemistry, math, physics, statistics, business, finance, advanced math, and engineering. Offers homework help, online tutoring, and assistance with online classes.
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- Trivia Bliss, Free Trivia Questions and Answers
- The largest database of trivia questions on the internet with thousands of free questions, printable quizzes, and a random trivia generator. Dozens of different categories including Animals, The Bible, Harry Potter, and Sports.
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