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Council of State Historical Records Coordinators (COSHRC)

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Description: U.S. organization comprising historical records coordinators and their deputies. Content includes general information, meetings, leadership, committees, publications and resources.
Council of State Historical Records Coordinators - COSHRC - home Council of State Historical Record Coordinators (COSHRC) is an attempt to recognize and identify the requirements of records and archrivals programs nationwide and preserve the heritage of the United States. COSHRC conducts surveys, produce reports and analyze records management agencies and state archives in association with the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators’ annual statistical survey. The report examines strengths and needs of these organizations on their way of pursuing their goals and identifies need of resources.
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Page title:Council of State Historical Records Coordinators - COSHRC - home
Keywords:Council of State Historical Records Coordinators, historical, records, archivists, archives, archivist, records management, COSHRC, state archivists, SHRAB, state coordinators, NHPRC, state archives, NFACE, state, states, SHRABs
Description:The Council of State Historical Records Coordinators, comprised of leaders of Historical Records Advisory Boards in the 55 states and territories, encourages cooperative efforts to improve the management, preservation, and use of archives and records in the United States.