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ARMA Chicago Chapter

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Description: Includes information regarding meetings, education, membership, committees and links.
ARMA Chicago Chapter - Home Page Welcome to the Chicago Chapter of ARMA International, the largest chapter of the Great Lakes Region of ARMA International. ARMA International is a global not-for-profit organization of over 11,000 records and information management (RIM) professionals. RIM professionals work closely with corporate counsel, risk and compliance, IT, HR and finance departments. Our ranks include corporate records managers, knowledge managers, data management professionals, librarians and archivists. We add value to an organization by ensuring that records and information are systematically managed throughout the information lifecycle, according to legal, regulatory and operational requirements.
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Page title:ARMA Chicago Chapter - Home Page
Keywords:archives management, arma, arma chicago, arma international, compliance, content management, data management, digital file, document management, document preservation, document retention, disaster recovery, ecm, electronic, electronic content management, electronic imaging systems, electronic records management, electronic records, erm, e-mail management, e-discovery, facilities and equipment for filing, filing systems maintenance, file storage. filing systems, information lifecycle management, information management, information professional, information systems, knowledge management, legal discovery, paper file, paper storage, records information management, records management, records management systems, records management workshops, records retention, retention requirements, RIM, RIM service providers, risk management homepage for the information management professionals