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Traveling Well

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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Special reports available cover topics such as traveling in Australia, IBD, asthma, Q fever, Peru, and business travel. Also sales of a book on travel health by Dr Deborah Mills.
Travelling Well - The 'must have' travel health guide to a safe and healthy journey Whether your overseas getaway involves five-star comfort, or being far off the beaten track, or anywhere in between, Travelling Well is your invaluable travelling companion.
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Page title:Travelling Well - The 'must have' travel health guide to a safe and healthy journey
Keywords:travel health book, holiday guide, medical handbook, vaccination, vacation illness, holiday injury, travel medicine, visitor information, malaria, hepatitis, medication, drug, medical kit, first aid, cholera, yellow fever, dengue fever, rabies
Description:Whether your overseas getaway involves five-star resort comfort, backpacking off the beaten track, or anywhere in between, Travelling Well is the essential handbook to make sure you don't lose a moment of your precious travelling time due to preventable illness or injury. Important information on pre-travel checkups, travellers medical kits, vaccinations, and healthy travel tips.