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Mountaineer Area Council

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Scan day: 04 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Serves youth in four counties in north-central West Virginia with headquarters in Fairmont. Includes information on Camp Mountaineer, calendar and events, and contact information.
Mountaineer Area Council BSA #615 - Home The Mountaineer Area Council, BSA serves Scouts and Scouters in the four counties of Monongalia, Marion, Preston, and Taylor within North Central West Virginia. The council has more than 70 units from all Scouting programs (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Varsity Scouts) that participate in a variety of activities throughout the year. We have a large camp, Camp Mountaineer, with sites and cabins available for reservation year-round. Our council is about 2.5 hours north of
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Contact Information



Page title:Mountaineer Area Council BSA #615 - Home
Keywords:Mountaineer, BSA, Boy Scouts, Troop, Cub Scouts, cub, cubs, Pack, Venturing, Crew, Explorer, Post, boy, scout, scouts, scouting, jamboree, COPE, camp, summer, summer camp, high adventure, outdoor, training, venture, sailing, adventure, BSR, Menawngihella, Lodge 550, OA, Order of the Arrow, SUMMIT, youth, youth organization, recreation, education, educational, West Virginia, Morgantown, Fairmont, Marion, Preston, Taylor, Monongalia, Mon, Prepared
Description:Mountaineer Area Council Boy Scouts of America, Council 615