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- Muskingum Valley Council
- Serving Eastern Central Ohio, including Coshocton, Guernsey, Knox, Morgan, Muskingum, Nobel, Perry and Southern Tuscarawas counties. Provides program information, a calendar, resource links and contacts.
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- Northern Star Council
- Serving the western half of the metropolitan twin cities (headquarters in Saint Paul and Golden Valley). Includes camps, calendar, district, training, and contact information, maps, and on-line forms.
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- Northwest Suburban Council
- Service area includes northwest portion of Chicago, Illinois. Provides information on camps, calendar, maps, districts, training, and a contact list.
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- Ozark Trails Council
- Headquartered in Springfield, Missouri. Offers information on programs, activities, districts, leader resources and local contacts.
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- Potawatomi Area Council
- Headquartered in Waukesha, serving southeast Wisconsin. Includes calendar, camp, program, training, contact, and district information.
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- Samoset Council
- Serving youth and leaders in central and northern Wisconsin with headquarters in Weston. Offers information about camps, districts, training and local contacts.
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- Simon Kenton Council
- Serves central and southern Ohio, and northern Kentucky, with headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. Includes calendar, camps, newsletter, directory, district and contact information.
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- WD Boyce Council
- Headquartered in Peoria, Illinois, serving youth in fourteen counties in central Illinois. Includes camps, district and contact information, FAQs, directory, and on-line forms.
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- Baden-Powell Council
- Program information, forms, training and events for Council serving communities in Chenango, Broome, Tioga, Cortland, and Tompkins counties of New York and Susquehanna County in Pennsylvania.
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- Baltimore Area Council
- Serving the Baltimore, Maryland area and the Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation, the home of Camp Saffran, Camp Spencer, and Camp Oest. Also includes calendar, newsletter, and district, training, and contact information
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- Birth of Freedom Council
- Serving scouting in south central Pennsylvania. Includes calendar, camps, directory and contacts, newsletter, district information, and maps.
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- Boston Minuteman Council
- Massachusetts BSA scout council serves over 18,000 youth of Boston area communities. Includes information on Camp T.L. Storer, calendar, and district, training, and contact information.
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- Bucks County Council
- Serving eastern Pennsylvania (headquarters in Doylestown). Includes information on Ockanickon Scout Reservation, district and contact information.
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- Chester County Council
- Council with headquarters in West Chester, Pennsylvania, serving scouts of Chester and northern Cecil Counties. Includes calendar, camps, newsletter, directory and contacts, and district information.
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- Chief Cornplanter Council
- Resources for scouting in northwest Pennsylvania with headquarters in Warren. Offers camping, training and contact information, unit links, calendar, award recognition, information on Camp Olmsted, and newsletter.
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- Connecticut Yankee Council
- Serves over 25,000 young people in Fairfield and New Haven counties, Connecticut. Includes calendar, camps, district and training information
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- DEL-MAR-VA Council
- Serving Delaware, Maryland and Virginia (eastern shore of MD and VA) with information on Council contacts, camps, newsletter, district and training information.
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- Finger Lakes Council
- founded in 2009 after the merger of The Finger Lakes Council and Otetiana Council. Headquartered in Rochester, NY, serving New York's Finger Lakes region, Rochester and surrounding communities. Includes information about programs, training, camps and contacts.