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CB Schematics

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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Schematics and tips for CB radios from all over the world, with reviews, photos and advertisements.
In dit CB museum wordt een  overzicht  gegeven van de 27mc apparatuur die wereldwijd op de markt is  uitgebracht. Wij zoeken vooral de oude CB apparatuur die in de zestiger en begin zeventiger jaren in Nederland zijn uitgebracht, het gaat hier om merken zoals Lafayette, Hy-Gain, Kris, Royce, Belcom, SRT, Echo Communication, Grand, Stalker, SBE, Cobra, President en Midland.
Size: 375 chars

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Page title:CB Museum
Keywords:Midland, , Alan, , CTE, Sigma, Team, Motorola, , Kenwood, TK3101, UBZLJ-8, Icom, President, madison, washington, ronald, taylor, john Q., Honest abe, veep, KP33, KP44, KP77, Vegas 740, McKinley, Zachary T., Andrew J., AX30, AX31, Dallas 340, Adams, Grant, Jackson, George, , 27Mc, 27MHz, CB, CB radio, , Team, Stabo xf2200, xm2200, sm1100, sh6100, sm2100, Kaiser ka9022fm, cb monitor, cb museum, 27mc museum, Sommerkamp ts780, 788dx, ts740,hycom cb 2000, 3000, 4000, Skyline sm2010, sm2008, sm2009, amroh cb708, cb007, cb707 deluxe, major 588, 580, 360, 2000, 3000, 4000, Colt excalibur, bold warrior, slaker XX, IX, XI, I, II, teaberry 101, Realistic, Cobra 2000gtl, kraco, regency, Royce, Belcom, pearce simpson, Tram D201, petrusse excalibur 2000, dak IX, atron cb507, cb307, beta cb307, roadstar, universe 5500, johnson viking 4740, tristar 747, north star, pony cb72, cb75, cb36, cb78, scooper, elec tx22, courier, ham international, ham jumbo I, II, III, concorde 2, concorde 3, multimode 1, multimode 2, multimode 3, explorer, viking, ham select, stacom, uniden p1000, SBE land command, general electric, lafayette, universum, tenko, jacky 23, granada, robijn, robyn, pace, siltronix, betatek 30, 240, colt 444, hygain V, III, 623, moonraker, marko, toyota, GTV, de belser, dirland, euro cb, sonar, cuna, 22 kanalen, 23 kanalen, am, fm, ssb, lsb, usb, portofoons, walky talky, CB apparatuur, avanti, elektra, handic, tagra, sadelta, onkyo,