- 21
- G3SWH QSL Management
- Includes information on the Cambodian DX contest in August 2003 and 2012 DXpedition to Swaziland.
- 22
- Greek Lighthouse Award
- Provides information for Greek Lighthouses award, for amateur radio operators and DX awards or certificate hunting HAM and SWL.
- 23
- HF Propagation Primer
- A Flash movie describing the basics of HF propagation across the globe. With text and animation.
- 27
- K2DSL - On the air
- David in Waldwick, New Jersey gives a personal commentary on ham radio and contesting, and links.
- 28
- K5D
- 2009 DXpedition to Desecheo Island (IOTA NA-095) - includes online log, daily updates and pictures.
- 29
- Includes operating tips, contest scores and rules, QSL info, callsign look-ups, and DX packetclusters for contesters and DX'ers.
- 32
- Northern Greece Contest Team
- DX awards program and contesting information, DXCC, and regional links.
- 33
- NØ DXpedition Map
- Interactive map and listing of upcoming ham radio DXpeditions, plus downloads and amateur radio information.
- 34
- OH0 and OJ0 N4GN DX Expedition
- N4GN based in Louisville, Kentucky provides information on expedition to Aland Islands and Market Reef sponsored by DX Foundation. Includes log databases.
- 35
- Pitcairn DXpedition
- Three-month long DXpedition by Jukka Heikinheimo OH2BR to the most remote inhabited island.
- 36
- Information on the DXpeditions of team RZ1CWC includes photos and details of the "Russian Lakes" Award (RLA) and European Castles Day (ECD). [English and Russian]
- 38
- Reg includes personal information, DX interests, content of the ham shack with photos and photos and information on the Fox Mountain repeater, VE7ZIG.