- 1
- Can We Help You Keep Your Pet?
- Resource for frustrated pet owners who need help solving problems that could force them to give up their pet.
- 2
- HartzVictims
- Includes press releases and stories from cat and dog owners who claim that their pets were harmed by products from Hartz.
- 3
- California Healthy Pets Act
- Proposed legislation to address the pet overpopulation problem by instituting a spay and neuter program.
- 5
- Stray Pet Advocacy
- Strives to provide resources for companion animal advocacy and educational resources on stray, feral and homeless companion animal issues.
- 6
- Robbie's Pet Health: Canine and Feline Vaccines
- Vaccinations are a necessary preventative measure to keep your pets healthy. Listed are common vaccinations, when they should be administered, and info about the diseases they prevent.
- 7
- Rat & Mouse Gazette: The Great Spay Debate
- An article by Mary Ann Isaksen that examines studies, facts, and opinions.
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