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Killifish: Maintenance, Breeding, and Conservation

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Description: Guide to care, feeding, and breeding of killifish, including a database of species-specific information, user-submitted spawning reports, and a photo gallery.
Killifish - maintenance, breeding, conservation Killifish as a group comprise over 700 species from most regions of the world. Some are easy to keep in the aquarium, others are difficult. Most are brightly coloured, others, have fascinating behaviour. This site contains the basics on how to keep killies, fish photographs and breeders tips and my own
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Page title:Killifish - maintenance, breeding, conservation
Keywords:Killifish, Killi, Killie, Killiefish, Tropical, Fish, Aquarium, Africa, Aphyosemion, Nothobranchius, Rainforest, Amazon, Aquaria, Freshwater, Rivulus, killies fish
Description:All about killifish. Photos, articles, breeders tips and a fish and egg for sale list. Killifish are easy to keep in the aquarium, this site tells you how!