Fish and Aquaria
- 81
- Practical Fishkeeping Magazine
- Monthly publication with information on fishkeeping, marine, freshwater and ponds. Question and answer section.
- 82
- Tropical Fish Hobbyist
- Features an index of articles from recent years and a synopsis of the current issue.
- 83
- Natural Aquariums and Sustainable Life
- Tunç Ali Kütükçüoğlu on his low-maintenance biotope aquaria and topics in ecology and environmentally-friendly living.
- 84
- Algae Eating Cyprinids
- Information on the Siamese Algae Eater, Crossocheilus siamensis, which is the only fish known to eat red algae.
- 85
- Bala Shark, Silver Shark
- Features Bala shark care information, including diet, illnesses and breeding.
- 87
- Master Index of Freshwater Fishes
- Articles on freshwater fish and plants in books and selected magazines, organized by species, as well as a few online articles.
- 88
- Hobbyist website devoted to the polypterus fishes, Bichirs and Ropefish. Species profiles, and links.
- 89
- Breeding Rosy Barbs and Swordtails
- Articles contain basic information on water chemistry, setups and fry care.
- 92
- Malaysia Guppy Forum
- A place for chat about the guppy, and for related photos. Hosted by the Malaysia Guppy Club.
- 93
- Live Foods Mailing List
- Topics discussed include identification and culturing, nutritional value and potential pitfalls.
- 94
- Tony Griffitts' Beef Heart Aquarium Fish Food Recipe
- A traditional beefheart-based fish food recipe, with instructions on how to feed to adults and fry.
- 95
- Dr. Jungle's Animal World: Freshwater Fish Disease and Treatment
- Index of various disorders, symptom and diagnostics chart, and recommended treatments.